Home Events Ambire in Denver 2025: Recap

Ambire in Denver 2025: Recap

The first event for the Ambire team is over - WalletCon and ETHDenver 2025 were a success. Read more about what we got up to!

Ambire in Denver 2025 recap
The team is back from Denver and keen to share their highlights

The team is back from Denver, and even managed to shake off their jetlag. In this article, we are summarizing our personal highlights from our experience at side events, as well as the main conference ETHDenver.

WalletCon booth & EIP-7702 keynote

We kicked off the week by supporting the third edition of WalletCon, organized by the WalletConnect Foundation & Reown.

Having attended and spoken at the first edition back in 2023, also in Denver, the team was excited to revisit this event this year. We had a booth where we could showcase the best features of our hybrid account abstraction extension, which is in a closed beta for testing right now, give out exclusive invite codes for early testers, and kit out visitors with limited edition Ambire swag. We had an absolute blast meeting so many Ambire enthusiasts (old and new), potential partners, and old conference buddies:

One of our devs shared their impressions of WalletCon in this neat thread:

But the team’s highlight was certainly when our own Aljaz Kanalec, better known as Cinesius on X and communities, took center stage. He delivered a keynote on how EIP-7702 improves Web3 wallet UX and what benefits it brings to EOAs. He talked about gas abstraction, account recovery, how we solve friction with Ambire Wallet and more. You can watch his talk below, or just check his detailed TL;DR on X:

Thank you to WalletConnect and Reown for hosting - we’re looking forward to the next edition!

ETHDenver + side events

Ngl, the rest of the week was a bit of a blur. There were hundreds of side events to go to, as well as the main conference, ETHDenver. We divided and conquered so we could tell as many people as possible how many and how awesome the benefits of Ambire are. After all, not every day does one encounter a wallet where one gets to experience the best of both worlds - traditional (EOA) accounts, as well as Smart accounts on your existing hardware wallet, e.g., and be secure and offer a smooth UX too.

Some personal highlights for the team included the Marketers Only event organized by Hype & friends. Not only were they able to chat with fellow Web3 marketers about anything and everything, but they were keen to watch the first (hopefully of many to come) live marketing roast by the legendary Emily Lai & Reka Medvecz:

For others, it was Builder Nights Denver. There, the team chatted with devs, delved into DeFi trends, discussed EIP-7702 and the upcoming Pectra upgrade, of course, and networked with fellow builders. They even became famous overnight:

In summary: a strong start to 2025 events

The team came back more energized, positive, and motivated than ever to make 2025 count - not only in terms of future events we’re working on (keep your eyes peeled for ETHCC in Cannes and Devconnect in Buenos Aires, just to name a few), but also for the Ambire Wallet extension.

We look forward to meeting more Ethereum community members in person and leaving a mark in the ecosystem for the rest of 2025!

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